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  Sound and Lighting Equipment

Please Read:

1) Sound and lighting equipment is typically delivered the morning of your event and picked up the next day unless your order also includes an item that is delivered the day before your event (such as a tent or dancefloor.) In that case any sound or lighting equipment will be delivered along with the other items the day before your event and picked up the day after. 

2) Delivery is not included with any item pricing and will be calculated by mileage to your event location during checkout. Please be advised that we require a minimum order of at least $150.00 for delivery services. For locations that are a further distance from our warehouse the minimum order amount required can be higher. Our online system will indicate the minimum order required for delivery during the checkout process if the minimum order amount required for your delivery area has not been met. 

Lessee is responsible for any damange to electronic equipment while said equipment is in thier possession. The damage waiver (available upon checkout) only includes damage to equipment from "unforseen circumstances" or "acts of god". The damage waiver does not include improper hook up, using an improper power supply (such as a standard generator or ungrounded outlet) or pushing the equipment beyond it's recommended usage. 
Sound System Rental
Sound System Rental

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Heavy Duty 12 Gauge Extension Cord - 100'
Heavy Duty 12 Gauge Extension Cord - 100'

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Balloon Flood Light
Balloon Flood Light

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Battery Powered Uplighting Rental
Battery Powered Uplighting Rental

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Beam Rain Dance Floor Light
Beam Rain Dance Floor Light

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Lighted Fog Machine
Lighted Fog Machine

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Heavy Duty 12 Gauge Extension Cord - 50'
Heavy Duty 12 Gauge Extension Cord - 50'

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